Longterm Restoration at the Amborella House
Healing, Equipping & Supporting
Renew Hope’s Amborella House Mission
To redeem, restore and renew the lives of women who have survived sex trafficking and sexual exploitation.
Amborella House provides temporary and moderate term housing for women age 18+ who have been sex trafficked. Housing is the single biggest need in Minnesota communities as it relates to the issue of sex trafficked or exploited young adults. While there are more resources for minors, there are very few resources once a young person turns 18 years of age.
Women surviving a trafficked or exploited situation can stay at Amborella House for as little as a couple of weeks or as long as two years, depending on their specific situation and needs.
The Amborella House home is located on six plus acres of land in a park like environment and services up to 5 women at a time and up to 25 women per year. With one shared bedroom and three private bedrooms, the home is specifically designed to nurture a peaceful and healing environment.
The home is supplied with every need including food, extra clothing, beautifully crafted bedding, toiletries, and a fully stocked kitchen and laundry. The six plus acres is fully fenced and supplied with a security system both inside and out.
The home is also staffed 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for safety and for the ongoing programming that Amborella House provides to our residents.
Therapy and Counseling
Therapy is provided to each participant on a weekly and as needed basis. Our certified professional therapist provides ongoing therapy for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) and various other necessary objectives and mental health related issues. The therapist also works with staff to monitor and modify the individualized program for each survivor.
Ongoing therapy is critical to the success of the Amborella House process of providing hope and healing for adult women survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation. Amborella House also includes various other forms of therapy such as art and equine therapy to support our participants.
New-Life Readiness
Many of the women who come to Amborella House have never learned the basics of daily living on their own or in a family structure. We offer cooking classes and nutritional counseling, organizational training, parenting training through partnering organizations and more. It really depends on the needs of the client.
The women in the home have a set schedule to follow that gives structure and consistency to their day and provides the best foundation for individual growth in key, individualized areas. If it is determined that certain, necessary skills are lacking for a particular participant, Amborella House works to provide necessary training through the customized program and daily structure.
Education Assistance
Many of the women who reside at Amborella House need assistance in completing their GED (General Education Diploma) so they can apply for college or work. Amborella staff works to help them in all the steps necessary to make this happen. We also work to help apply and register for college classes as well as work for financial aid when appropriate.
Staff will also assist residents who are in school with organizational skill development, study habits and good communication skills as needed to accomplish the educational goals of the resident.
Every woman’s story is unique. Every woman’s physical story is unique. Our individualized program, along with our dedicated staff work with doctors to ensure good health care and help educate our clients on steps for them to take ownership of their own healthcare over time. Maintaining proper medication schedules, safe administration of meds, physical fitness and nutritional education and planning are all key areas of emphasis for both our staff and our clients as a means of developing or enhancing self-sufficiency in health care.
Transportation to doctor visits, checkups or care sessions is often a part of the services we can help bring to each client as needed as well.
Job Skills Training & Employment
It is in the scope of our work to provide job training whenever possible. That may be sourcing a good training program online, traveling to job training, studying or preparing for interviews and more.
Employment is a key element of building a better future for our participants. It is important for them to experience their own skills, abilities and talents at work in the work force so that they can envision the type of work they would like to pursue to provide for themselves or their family in the future.
Helping to find, apply and interview for jobs can be a key service that our staff can assist our clients with.
Because each client is unique, they each require a customized program to work toward health, healing and a brighter future in a life outside of trafficking. Our program at Amborella House is closely modeled after Wellspring Living in Atlanta, Georgia who has been providing highly successful, life-giving, essential recovery services to sex trafficked girls and women for many years. Wellspring Living has been a formal mentor organization to Amborella House.